Friday, November 26, 2010

OUR FIRST STRIKE FOR..................

Need for Exposure of CUCEK’s “Hostels”
Many of us came to CUCEK without seeing the college even once before our counseling. There were incidents where students bought before the college by the auto drivers stood there wondering where the college was. All they could see were few discretely situated sheds all over water logged terrain. There wasn’t even a wall to separate those buildings from the rest of the surroundings. The last thing that a student stuck up in such a pathetic condition want is a sheer manipulator, whose sole aim is to put us in further misery and to loot money form us. Yes, we have the brokers; who tell us tales of five star comforts in Pulinchunnoo’s so called hostels. They might further please us by enlightening us of the responsible, loving, caring, secure, blah blah blah people, whose houses we are blessed from heaven to have the luck of occupying as paying guests with a very meager fee of Rs. 2500+.  How lucky are we!(?) And so are we blessed by heaven. Even staying away from house wont affect us due to the love and care provided to us by our “Uncle” and “Aunty”.  We are fed with delicious chicken curry for breakfast, lunch and dinner. All this love and affection makes us forget about the mosquito filled, partially plastered, hot and humid hostel rooms we are about to sleep at. Good night, let lord the almighty be always there for our dear uncle and aunty. Thus passes the first day in CUCEK’s “hostels”, the classes yet not started.
Good Morning. Wake up, it is already 8 o’clock. You need to go to college. Hmm…do I? Come on, the mosquitoes didn’t even give me a chance to sleep my bed. They were biting me from head to toe, and kept me in air while on the attack. Hmm…whatever. But, I need to complete a few early morning “rituals” before i can go anywhere. So there goes the lad, with a new toothbrush flourishing with tooth paste, a towel in hand, oil massaged head(that is optional), to the “BATHROOM”…He opens the tap…hi, wait a minute! did i turn on the water tap or rather by accident, the outlet of some mysteriously situated coffee maker?! The shocked lad checks the source. Okay, doubt cleared, it is the outlet of a water pipe. Hmm…then how come it delivers brown water?, from the 2nd standard onwards, I v studied in school that water is colourless. Whatever, let us get on with it. I have no time left and I really don’t wannabe  late on the first day of my college. He somehow completes his rituals and puts on his neatly ironed off white(rather with a green shade) shirt and dark green pants. He takes care not to insert it, heeding the warning that inserting the shirt may lead to provocation of the senior students and the simpler the better. He slowly approaches the dining table. The memory of the last night’s chicken curry tingles his taste buds. His mouth is now filled with saliva enough to create a swimming pool for conducting Olympics swimming competition. There comes his aunty, dressed up in a costume that resembles a sewer cleaner. Doesn’t matter, she is caring and affectionate, analogous to his mother. Would he hesitate to take food from his mother if she was dressed up untidily? Certainly not. “Good Morning aunty. What is there to eat?” She keeps in the table, a plate, in which there were 4 idilis, and a liquid seemingly like chutney. He looks up at her, and she returns a smile(which could have easily won the competition for Miss(Mrs) Beautiful Smile). He looks back in the plate, and touches the idly. Wow, miracle of God, thy almighty. You quenched the heat out of the four idlis minutes after it was manufactured(heaven knows) and has turned it into frozen food. The liquid tasted something like water with leftovers of coconut scrapings and chilli. Hmm…, this should be something new and delicious which my dear aunty has exclusively prepared for me!, but…it tastes like….PREHISTORIC! Under the assumption, “Old is Gold”, auntie’s kid completes his quick breakfast and runs to college. Has this kid ever seen a whirlpool before? If not,  he ll experience it now, INSIDE HIS STOMACH!! The food my dear auntie has provided must have been of medical origins, how fast did it relieve me of my constipated stomach!, pity it had to be gratified on the college’s toilet.
The story of meeting new friends and “Friends” at the first day of the college is a totally different story. That is different and exciting for everyone who steps on the ground of CUCEK, with an intention of wasting their four years for a B.Tech Certificate.
The imaginary bell has rung at 11.45 am and it is yet an other chance to taste the food that my dear, beloved aunty has made for me. He somehow reaches the hostel passing all the hurdles on the way to hostel(I suppose that doesn’t require much explanations to what they are)